Sendang Gile & Tiu Kelep Waterfalls

Located at the foot of the majestic Mount Rinjani, in the village of Senaru, a 2 ½ hour drive from Mataram, are two of Lombok’s finest and most popular cascades, Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep.

The name Tiu Kelep is taken from the Sasak language. “Tiu” meaning pool, and “Kelep” means flying. Meanwhile, Sendang Gile’s name is taken from the story of a prince who was chased by a crazy lion (sedang gile). He ran into the woods and hid behind the waterfall, hence the name Sendang Gile.

It only takes 15 minutes to walk from the entrance to Sendang Gile waterfall. On this path you will pass through a protected rain forest area filled with towering tropical trees. Once you get there, you can enjoy the sight and sound of the water crashing onto the rocks or swim in its cool, crisp pool.

The onward trek to Tiu Kelep waterfall is a little more adventurous. The journey to the takes around 45 minutes trekking through a lush jungle forest. There is a bridge at one point used to cross the river which could be a little intimidating for those who are scared of heights but the trip is totally worth it as you come upon the majestic rush of water rushing around 45 meters down the cliff before crashing against the rocks on the bottom.

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