Narmada Water Park

Constructed by King Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Karang Asem in 1727, Taman Narmada is one of the oldest historical sites in Lombok. It is a replica of Mount Rinjani’s summit and the crater lake which, to this day, is still an active volcano. Apparently, as the king became older, he could not regularly perform his pilgrimage to the summit of this 3,726 metre mountain, (the second highest peak in Indonesia, it is a challenge to modern day mountain climbers) so he built Taman Narmada, about 11 kilometres away to the east of Mataram. Inside the park, he constructed the Segara Anakan to represent the mountain and a pool to represent the lake. It is said that the king spent plenty of time in Narmada’s beautiful garden to relax and to worship the Hindu god, Lord Shiva. There is a natural spring by the pool that Hindis believe to be the Fountain of Youth and the site attracts loyal followers throughout the year.

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