Tanjung Aan Beach / Merese Hill

The beach at Tanjung Aan has crystal clear, turquoise water and fine white sand. It’s one of those classically beautiful horseshoe shaped beaches that are usually reserved for exclusive private resorts. And, outside of weekends and public holidays, it’s often deserted! Moreover, there is a second bay on the other side, equally as unspoiled and seemingly untouched. As it can be a little quiet here its not unusual to be badgered occasionally by local hawkers trying to sell you things. It can be a little annoying but it’s important to remember they are genuinely poor folk just trying to make a living.

Walking away from the beach and past the public carpark you will come upon Bukit Merese (“bukit means hill). Its not well signposted so you may need to ask directions. And, although it’s a short, steep walk, don’t be daunted – once you are at the top you will be rewarded with spectacular views of the Indian Ocean and Lombok’s southern coastline. Highly recommended!

Tanjung Aan is a 15 minute drive east of Kuta.

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