Coronavirus Latest – 8 October 2021 – Indonesia Forced to Scrap Singapore Travel Bubble

The Indonesian Government has shelved plans to recommence a travel corridor arrangement with neighbouring Singapore due to a fresh covid outbreak on the island state.

A reciprocal travel bubble arrangement between Indonesia and Singapore was scrapped in late June when the deadly Delta strain pushed the Indonesian health system beyond breaking point, with record numbers of daily infections and deaths, especially on the islands of Java and Bali.

But with new cases across Indonesia now falling to under 1000 a day, plans were in place to recommence the travel bubble arrangement between the two countries.

However, a resurgence of covid infection rates in Singapore means that Indonesian authorities now find themselves in the unusual position of having to keep their border to the city state closed until it is considered safe enough to reopen.

Singapore recently eased social distancing measures on the island, after successfully completing a vaccine rollout to 80% of it’s population. But with case numbers surging once again, social distancing and stay at home orders have had to be reintroduced.

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