Sweta Market

The Sweta Market is the largest market in Lombok, offering tourists and locals a lively, traditional market atmosphere with a wide range of genuine, hand crafted items as well as fresh produce including locally grown herbs and spices.

And best of all, as it is a “real” market, ie not geared solely to tourists, prices are unbelievably cheap, especially when compared to similar markets in the tourist areas of Bali. Indeed, many Balinese entrepreneurs buy here to take back and sell at marked up prices.

Locally made pottery, wicker baskets and jewellery are in plentiful supply here as well as songket, traditional hand-woven cloth threaded with gold and silver. The artisans and craftspeople who make these items, are, in many cases women, who come from villages that have been specialising in a specific craft for generations, if not centuries, so you can be assured that you are buying items of real quality.

Many traders will even help with overseas delivery at very reasonable prices.

The Sweta Market is located next to the bus terminal, about 15 minutes drive from Mataram City and is close to the historic town of Narmada. The market is open most days.

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