Traditional Performance Arts

Lombok has a number of traditional performance arts which recognise its rich heritage and unique cultural identity.
Through dance and music, the early Sasak people celebrated significant civic and social events such as royal feasts, religious ceremonies and marriage celebrations as well as when making preparations for war.



Peresean is a battle between two men armed with rattan sticks and buffalo shields. Peresean was originally performed during traditional ceremonies held in the seventh month of Sasak calendar in order to ask for rain. However, Peresean is now also performed to celebrate independence day in Indonesia and is a unique spectacle for tourists.

Rudat Dance

rudat dance
rudat dance

Rudat Dance is a traditional Sasak dance that is believed to have come to the island from Turkey in the 15th century. The Rudat Dance resembles a Karate performance with all it’s punching and kicking movements.

Today Rudat Dance is used in welcoming guests at formal government events and may also be seen being performed on the street or the side of the highway as well-wishers accompany newlyweds to the home of the bride.

Tandang Mendet

tandang mendet
tandang mendet

Tandang Mendet is a Sasak Tribal war dance which is said to have existed since the days of Selaparang Kingdom.
This dance depicts the power struggle between local Sasak and their Balinese invaders and is played by dozens of people dressed up and carrying traditional weapons such as a sword, shield, and spear.
The dance is accompanied by the beat of the Beleq drum and the recitation of poetry describing the struggle.

Ketopat War

ketupat war
ketupat war

Ketopat War is a traditional event held at Pura Lingsar, Lombok. This mock war depicts the former battles between Sasak and Balinese but is performed nowadays as symbol of peace between Muslims and Hindus in Lombok.
The Balinese Rajah of Mataram built Pura Lingsar in 1727 as a multidenominational place of worship and today the temple itself is regarded a symbol of Indonesian religious unity.
This event takes place in the afternoon, every seventh full moon in the Sasak calendar.



Begasingan is a traditional game that can be played by people of all ages. It combines elements of art and sport, and involves trying to knock out small spinning discs using a larger spinning disc known as a stirrer.

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