
I first came to Indonesia as an exchange student in 1990 and studied Indonesian Language and Culture at Universities in Jakarta and the West Javanese City of Bandung.

I also travelled at that time through Java and Sumatera, Bali and Lombok.

I’ve always been fascinated by Indonesia, a country so vastly different from my homeland, Australia and yet, one of our nearest neighbours.

I’ve made many trips back here over the years before settling into a new life in Lombok

It’s been a real adventure, more so since the advent of covid, yet in spite of the challenges, I can’t think of a place I’d rather be.

It’s an amazing part of the world and  I hope this site inspires you to come and check it out some day.

Until then, take a look at some of the spectacular natural attractions of this island, learn about the lifestyle and culture of the native Sasak people and stay up to date with the latest coronavirus and travel updates for Indonesia, Bali and Lombok.

Selamat jalan! (Happy travelling!) 

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