Coronavirus Latest – 28 July 2021 – Indonesia New Global Epicentre of Pandemic as Death Rates Soar

July 28 – Indonesia New Global Epicentre of Pandemic as Death Rates Soar

Daily death rates attributed to COVD have now surpassed 2,000 a day for the first time in Indonesia.

Yesterday’s s death toll hit a record high of 2,069 which represents a five fold increase in daily deaths being reported only one month ago. 

The worlwide number of deaths reported yesterday was 9,505 meaning Indonesia accounted for almost 22% of all deaths.

Indonesia has this month over taken India and Brazil for daily case numbers although the total number of cases reported here is still less than in many countries.

45,203 new covid cases were recorded in Indonesia yesterday down from a record high 54,00 cases reported on July 16 but a near ten fold increase on cases being reported a month ago.

The huge spike in case numbers and deaths are being attributed to the highly infectious Delta strain which began circulating around the country in June.

The virus is presently running rampant on the islands of Java and Bali placing grave pressure on both islands hospitals and medical workers, with inadequate supplies of oxygen and medical equipment leading to the dramatic increase in the number of deaths.

Despite the burgeoning crisis and with only 6% of the population having received vaccinations, the Indonesian Government appeared set to ease emergency restrictions put in place to try and limit the spread of infection. 

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